There are some things that just don't fit in 140 characters. This blog is my overflow. I also rant a little bit. Sometimes it's hilarious.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
For those needing a break from the political
Video- Cory Booker walks back criticism of Obama campaign tactics
Cory Booker is the most thoughtful voice I have heard so far on this election.
watch the video and see
By SOSadmin, Chicago police using unlawful detention without charges to intimidate activists streaming the video of the protests
CPD head on activists held without charge: "We are not talking about it."
Five activists raided and arrested in an apartment in Bridgeport on the south side of Chicago continue to be held without charge. They were arrested during the night around 1 am on May 17, along with four other activists who have since been released. Those four were also held without charge.The National Lawyers Guild reports the activists were “taken to the Organized Crime Division of Chicago police department for 18 hours and then they were transported to Harrison/Kedzie (District 4).” After transportation the police released the four activists.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I don't know
The folks demanding the congress burn the US economy down, if I was the President, the obstruction would have ended in 15 minutes. Each congressman would have been brought in, one at a time into the Oval office, and then the ones planning to burn the US economy --- treason, one way ticket to Gitmo, water-boarded until all patrons disclosed, and made to confess working for Al Qaeda on video, then summary execution, family billed for the bullet and the costs of the incarceration and body disposal.
Yes, I would be a dictator, and Congress would get crushed under my iron boot. I also would bring the troops home from overseas everywhere, and have them stop all traffic into the US that is not fully permitted, documented, and controlled properly.
We try to foist the cost of a world empire level of military onto the poor of our nation, so the hyper-wealthy can continue to play RISK with American lives as their playing pieces? AYFKM?
We should take the Forbes 400 list and cross match them with the list of those who got the biggest handouts from the government and filter it with those who actually do philanthropy for actual unfortunates in the USA. (I really don't give a damn about philanthropy overseas, I live in the USA).
Those who are on the Forbes 400, and received money in any form from the government, and failed to do actual substantial philanthropy in the USA, they should summarily executed by Guillotine, except for the Koch Brothers. Those two should be drawn and quartered after a painful disembowelment. That is the only proper way to deal with treason against the USA. Death, painfully dispensed, in full view of everyone else so they get the hint that they better not repeat their folly or they will repeat their result : painful death.
There are people on the Forbes 400 who don't take money from the government or who perform wonderful philanthropy. They should be rewarded and held up as examples of "this is what you should do". There are only a few very evil people who use the material blessings they have to very evil ends. Those people should be treated as the anomalies they are, and extracted from existence.
Until justice is properly in control, liberty will forever be in danger to evil people. These evil people would gladly slaughter the US citizens for a few shekels. Nothing stops them except the cold embrace of death, because they have no conscience, no soul, and heart.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Gays, Marriage, and the Final Judgement
Let me start this off with this : I am happily married in a HETEROSEXUAL union, and enjoy the rights that come with it. Now if two men were to get married to each other, and invite me to attend, I would attend and wish the couple the best. If two women were to get married to each other, and invite me to attend, I would do the same --- attend and wish them the best. I treat them the same as a Man-woman union.
The states most opposed to marriage equality permit incest marriages, which I believe should be totally illegal. It comes down to a very skewed attitude about marriage where the man is "owner" and woman is "owned". That model of marriage should have been killed off during the Age of Reason in the 1700's. A lot of other barbaric practices should also be gone also, but human cruelty is imprinted in the DNA of some people.
The biggest opposition to marriage equality comes from the "true believer" set of the Christian right, who view homosexuality as the worst possible sin. The scriptures disagrees with their assessment. The worst possible sin is viewing the presence of the spirit of God, and ascribing that presence as the presence of Satan, knowing otherwise. That particular sin can ONLY be committed by the religious, and spiritually aware.
Many leaders of the politicized Church are closer to committing this sin than their followers would be aware of. The Sadducee who crave material comforts and the Pharisee who crave power over other people committed this sin in the presence of Jesus by ascribing his miracles to the power of sorcery. They knew otherwise. They did it anyway, and they gladly make converts twice the child of hell that they are.
God will sooner permit homosexual married couples entrance into heaven, with them as couple, before the political whores in the pulpit who preach the gospel of material dominion. Every judgement imposed by the LORD was triggered not by sexual misdeeds, but by the glorification of violence, and abuse of the powerless.
Jesus violently threw the usurers out of the Temple. Next time he has a more permanent solution for the wealthy who mock and abuse the poor, glorify violence, and strain at the gnat (sexual sin) and swallow the camel (lust for material wealth and power). It's called the Final Judgement, and their place will be in the lake of fire.