Sunday, April 21, 2019

Mueller report link

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Does this election even matter?

Update: 2019

With Brexit, and Trump and obvious Russian stirring of the shit pot we call our sorry excuse of a voting system, things went from bad in 2012 to orders of magnitude worse.

We went from Obama, a pragmatic rightish centrist to Trump, a solipsist criminal without a shred of conscience or humanity in him.  With Obama, our objections were about the degree of progress.  With Trump, human survival is possibly going to go bye-bye with an extinction event either by a wag the dog nuclear war or simple acceleration of climate change.

Unless Trump is brought to heel forcefully in a coerced manner (since he never does what is right voluntarily), there really may not be an election in 2020.  President-for-life Trump ruling over the ashes of a once wonderful nation.