Wednesday, December 7, 2011

There are days when madness takes control

The Senate passes an appropriations bill (mostly a funding thing), but included in it a section that does something disturbing:  it includes the authorization that the military can arrest and detain until war is over any person.  Problem 1:  includes American citizens.  Problem 2: includes the US homeland as part of the war field.
Problem 3: The "War" has no defined victory condition, so never ends.  That's what happens when you declare a war versus an abstraction ... they go forever, they don't get positive results, they make great sound bites for morons to parrot, and has ZERO connection with upholding and defending the Constitution.

Problem 3 is the real problem here.  If the US simply declared war on Al Qaeda, then defined the victory conditions as the decimation of that organization, then the war detention thing has an end point.  However when the resolution was put through Congress back in 2001, they made it a "war on terror" --- with no defined victory possible.

There is a defeat condition, but no win condition.  Only complete morons or traitors to the US would push the US into a no win war.  The vast majority of Americans have no problem  going into a war and paying the price of victory.  The problem begins when victory is not possible, and the American public figure it out.  Bleeding in a fight we win is a trophy.  Bleeding in a fight we cannot win because our leaders are morons is an irritant.

Will our government ever figure it out?  I doubt it.

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