Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Through the rift

Captain Cullen picked himself up off the deck. "damage report," he ordered.

"The hull on the port side had damage, the self sealing system is repairing the hull. Should be

safe again in about 5 minutes," said the first mate.

"Several crew went overboard, trying to track them, but the biosignal tags are not showing,"

reported the second mate.

"As in dead?" asked the Captain.

"The biosignal tag would show a flatline on that event. The tags are not showing any signal at

all, as in beyond a hundred kilometers range, which should not even be possible."

"How far have we moved?"

"We dropped anchor. We should not have moved at all"

"Navigator, what is our position?"

"The GPS system is returning errors, as if the satellite uplink got cut off."

"Maintain General Quarters," ordered the Captain through the microphone. "Any alternate

means of determining our location?"

"Using telescopic cameras to see where the stars are. But the sky has got something I never

saw before. I'll put it on the main screen for you"

The camera showed a solid line of light in the sky, extending past the horizon on both ends.

"What the hell is that?"


Crewman Smythe was on the top deck, when the storm suddenly started. He pulled on the

anchor lever, then pushed the alarm button.

A large wave of ocean came his way.

"Oh shit"

The wave knocked him off his feet. He got up again and saw the large object come out of the

ocean. The next wave knocked him overboard.

His signal tag started beeping and measuring vital signs. The object glowed green, and


The ship also disappeared.

The storm ended right then.

Smythe looked around in all directions. The ship was gone and the night sky was suddenly

daytime. The signal tag kept beeping, then said "incoming communication"

He pressed the button and a voice spoke "Do you require assistance? Rescue drone is enroute

to you."

"Yes, my ship is gone. So I need a rescue, because I doubt I can swim back to New York


"There is no trace of a ship in your vicinity. Your antiquated emergency signal tag just

appeared on our network. We will transport you to a medical facility in New York."

"Hopefully not the VA."

"The VA? I don't understand that reference."


“The mysterious storm ended as fast as it started. Who did we lose?” asked Captain Cullen of

his 2nd mate”

“Crewman Smythe. He dropped the anchor and pushed the alarm. The cameras captured

what happened in the 5 minutes.”

The screen showed the storm starting suddenly, then the camera shook as the wave hit it, but

the view still showed the large object coming out of the ocean. After it was fully above the water

it glowed green, as did the ship. Another wave hit, and Smythe went overboard, and with a

green flash, he disappeared before hitting the water.

“So that object…hostile?”

“It doesn’t look like a Russian, or anybody else we know.”

The video continued with the object flying away toward the light line in the sky.

“ Navigator, can you get us back to New York harbor?”

“ Course laid in. There are a lot of changes to the terrain, as the stars are in slightly different

positions, and the magnetic field has been altered. That line in the sky is an artificial construct

and it appears to alter the magnetic field of the earth, possibly to strengthen it?”

“We need to get some answers. Hopefully we can find out what exactly happened.”


The drone appeared over Crewman Smythe and a light from it started lifting him out of the

water. The light bubble held him securely as it flew behind the drone. The skyline of New York

City appeared rapidly. The hospital landing pad had a medical crew waiting. The light bubble

placed Smythe on the hospital gurney.

“Hello. Can you tell us your name? Are there any medical procedures against your deeply

held beliefs?”

“Calvin Smythe. I can’t remember any medical procedures that offend my religion.”

“We’ll get you taken care of Mr. Smythe. Your birth date?”

“ June 2, 2021.”

“ That is not possible sir.”

“I was born in Brooklyn , at that date.”

“How can you be over 300 years old?”

“What year is it? I left here in 2047 on the USS Tecumseh. We were crossing the Atlantic

when a storm kicked up, and I was tossed overboard. I got my ID right here”

“Let’s take care of your injuries. We’ll figure out the rest of this after we make sure you are


After they put Smythe into a hospital bed, the medical team tried to return to routine, but the

John Doe stirred up speculation.

“These are ancient documents, but so well preserved, as if they were new.”

“I did a search on the ship's name. That name hasn’t been used in 300 years. The ship of that

name disappeared August 14, 2047. The ship crew was listed as MIA, feared dead. Cause of

the disappearance was unknown.”

“Calvin Smythe was a member of that crew.”

“Our John Doe was one of that crew? We need to do a DNA match to prove it. If he is who he

says it is, we need to inform the Admin so we don’t have a media circus.”

“Or worse.”


The Tecumseh sailed smoothly, and the coastline near New York came into view. The skyline

though is different. The buildings overgrown with foliage loom over a harbor littered with

destroyed ships, covered with plant life and animals nesting on parts.

“Looks like the neighborhood went to hell.”

“There is an open dock on the New Jersey side, initiating docking procedure”

The ship slowly moved to the dock, which suddenly filled up with a crowd of people.

“Captain, I don’t think that’s the USO waiting for us.”

“Try the radio.”

A little bit of static hissed on the radio, then a woman’s voice speaking a strange language

spoke through.

“Can the AI figure out that language?”

“Not in the known languages database. The AI is deciphering it.”

The voice repeated what she said. Then after a 5 second delay, the AI was able to translate it.

“Unknown ship, identify yourself. This is the Imperial Naval Command demanding to know

who are you?”

“Imperial Command? This is the USS Tecumseh, Carl Cullen commanding, requesting

permission to disembark and purchase supplies.”

“Tecumseh, why do you have an abomination in command?”

“We are obviously from a different culture, but I assure you we intend no hostility.”

“Intention and results are two different things Mr. Cullen. You may disembark. The Imperial

Guard will escort you to your permitted guest quarters. You will be subject to search of your

persons so you don’t smuggle weapons to the other abominations residing there.”

After the radio turned off, Captain Cullen looked confused.

“AI, why did she refer to me as ‘abomination’ ?”

“In their language, male and abomination are the same word.”

“Who is the highest ranking female crewman on the Tecumseh?”

“Ensign Elizabeth Tanaka.”

“Ensign Tanaka to the bridge please?”

Ensign Tanaka arrived at the bridge looking confused. “You needed me on the bridge, sir?”

“You are getting a brevet promotion to Lieutenant, right now. We might need you to speak for

us with the locals. The AI has deciphered the language, so we can use the translation gear.

The culture here takes a xenophobic attitude towards males, so we need to adapt accordingly to

avoid incidents. Let’s set up the away team. Tanaka is lead. Rojas, and I follow along. Note

everything. We are trying to find out where we are and how to get home, if possible. Smythe was our first casualty. Let’s keep him as the only one for as long as possible.”


"Mr. Smythe? We ran your DNA, matched the archive.  You've been MIA for a few centuries.  There is now a board of inquiry getting opened.  When you are able, you be questioned and recorded."

"Am I being charged with crimes?"

"No.  You are literally a relic from a time as far from us as the use of crossbows was to your time.  And your ship is still missing.  Our hope is to find that ship, as the wreckage was never found."

"No wreckage?"

"None.  Every time a new technology to search underwater has been invented, it was deployed.  You appearing on the GPS suddenly took us by surprise.  Central admin has arranged housing, food, and all other needs fulfillment, and is asking you to record everything you can remember.  Maybe you can help us rescue your crewmates."


The away team climbed down to the dock, which had a small squad of "enforcers" clad in armor similar to old time riot police, carrying polearms that look like 2 pronged spears,with a crackling spark between the two prongs.

"The billet is ready for you.  Keep your pets under control, miss. Follow me."

The path opened in front of the team, and closed behind them, keeping the electrified spears pointed at hem as they passed.  A large building painted in blue and yellow was the place, the lettering printed in red was not the same as what the team saw before.  Tanaka activated the translation mode for her visor.  After a few seconds, the writing translated to "The last bastion against the chaos. Home of law."

The enforcer laison put her hand on a touchpad opening the doors. 

"I will see you at first light tomorrow, the officer of the billet will take you to your room.  After breakfast, you will see the Imperiatrix.  She is studying the oracles concerning you.  She thinks you are the prophesied coming"

The team went in the chamber, the outer doors closed and the inner doors opened.

A small reception desk greeted the team with the lettering "Home of law, unit A barracks 1" 

"We have you signed in, for billet 1.  The bunks should be enough.  There are entertainment items in the cabinets.  Snack food is available.  Quiet hours start at 2200 and end at first light."


Alarms started ringing and lights flashing. The enforcers started barricading the doors. 

"We got confederate raiders attempting an assault.  Shelter in place.  Most of the raiders are attempting to take the dock.  We radioed your ship, just in case the enemy pierces our perimeter."

The sound of explosions and weapons fire sounded nearby.

After a few minutes, total silence.

Then a voice over speakers said, "secure from general quarters, alert level 3."

An enforcer stepped into the room.  "Sorry for the interruption to your sleep. We increased the security perimeter around the dock to keep your ship safe.  We captured a few of the enemy and are interrogating them to find out what they know and what they were trying for."


The last implant got put into him, Smythe was now more machine than human.  Twenty years after being fished out of the water from being tossed overboard, the ports and wires and prosthetics replaced most of his body.  With 24/7 connection to the communication grid, his memories are now a database with AI enhancement.  The United States no longer a unified nation, and a fourth world war the project to find the USS Tecumseh to try to fix the temporal damage is now down to just this one man, who is more machine now.  The AI calculated the Tecumseh will reappear in approximately 1700 more years.  The problem is who will be greeting the ship.  The American Imperium fractured during the fourth world war, East Asia made peace with the European Republic.  Russia is still recovering from losing the Third World War, and regaining some of their losses in the Fourth World War.  

"Oracle, how soon will the ring be finished constructing?"

"1200 years.  The materials are being sourced outside of the Terran environment, which slows the speed of construction but guarantees the supplies cannot be interrupted by any wars on the Terran landscape."

"Chances rescue of the ship by the Northern Imperium?"

"70%.  There is a 30% chance the Southern Imperium will try to capture the ship.  The resource imbalance of the two factions make it certain that would would be conflict with the Northern Imperium having advantage. "


First light came too soon after the alarms,  

"Good morning guests.  Breakfast begins in an hour.  The mess hall is only 100 meters from here, within this building.  You won't need to sign out with the CQ.  After you eat, we assemble here."

"Like a navy base, only improved?  Sounds good.  Do we have a schedule for the day?"

"The full schedule of the day will be handed to you at assembly time.  The Imperatrix and the Oracle will be on site.  The Oracle specifically woke up after 1700 years... and informed us all about you, and the ship.  The Oracle wants to see you.  The security measures have been increased since the Oracle woke up from his sleep, per his instructions."


The Murican prisoner woke, body still aching from the electrified halberd strike he took.  

"By the laws of war, you are being sent home as a prisoner exchange.  You're worth an entire squad.  What is so valuable to have a royal leading the attack?"

"The sky people told us the Tecumseh,  ship that could reset our world was here.  We now know they spoke truly.  We'll make our nation great again."

"By losing again?  The ship is never going to be in your navy. That ship is at our dock, and the crew is our guests.  We will use them to defeat those aliens. The sky people will fall to the Imperium."

The prisoner’s thoughts turned to his personal guard, a loyal and fierce warrior who had stood by his side through countless battles. He feared the worst, imagining the brutal fate that might have befallen them.

In the dim light of his cell, he recalled the last moments before he was captured. His guard had fought valiantly, trying to protect him from the onslaught of the Imperium’s forces. The memory of their final stand was etched into his mind, a mix of bravery and desperation.

The young woman, sensing his distress, spoke softly. “Your guard… they were taken as well. The Imperium doesn’t show mercy to those who resist.”

He clenched his fists, anger and sorrow welling up inside him. “Were they…?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know their fate. But I can try to find out. There are ways to get information, even in a place like this.”

The prisoner nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “Please, if you can. They deserve better than to be forgotten.”

She stood up, determination in her gaze. “I’ll do what I can. But you must stay strong. We need you to help us change things.”

As she left the cell, the prisoner felt a renewed sense of resolve. He would find out what happened to his guard, and he would do everything in his power to ensure their sacrifice was not in vain. The fight was far from over, and he would see it through to the end.

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