Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ann Coulter should be shot

I agree with the blogger there.  Ann Coulter is a special class of troll.  She actually thinks it's okay to wish for the police to MURDER American citizens using their right of free speech.  I think it's perfectly okay to do drive by shootings at her house using her own logic.

No serious person can honestly believe it is even remotely okay to murder protesters.  This is a case where the bottom feeder who can't actually convince anyone not already a "true believer" using inflammatory rhetoric to get attention from the MSM.

Maybe if Ann Coulter's address, phone number, and all the emails she uses were suddenly flooded with the appropriate retort she may feel she got enough attention and STFU and get back in the kitchen and make a sandwich for the man of the house.  (Internet memes. For the uninitiated, I'm using a heavy dose of them mixed with vitriol and sarcasm).  Looks like someone already started.

As JFK put it though, when all means of PEACEFUL protest and redress is eliminated, you make violent revolution inevitable.  And her side is on the wrong side of history if it gets into a shooting war.

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