Saturday, November 19, 2011

Starting the new blog

Twitter and FB  don't do walls of text very effectively.  So I made this blog for things that overflow the 140 character limit of a tweet.

One thing I have to mention today is that I spent more time following the story of police abusing the use of pepper spray on clearly non-violent, non-resistant protesters for the express purpose of inflicting undue pain and suffering. Those who believe in a God who balances the books in the afterlife, those police officers will have a nice hot place in eternity and I hope they go there sooner than later.

The UC Davis incident was the most egregious.  The Chancellor who ordered those cops there now is launching a 90 day investigation into it.  The words, "fox" "henhouse" and the next reaction from me is "Chancellor, GTFO and resign already." Even Stevie Wonder can see what went wrong in less than 90 SECONDS.  That police officer went Eric Cartman on kids, probably to make up for the fact he was bullied as the fat ugly kid in elementary school.  This officer should be wearing prison jumpsuit orange, right NOW.  He is unfit for living at all, let alone being in a position of power, authority or trust.  If a concealed carry person was attacked like that, that officer would have been eating ballistic justice, literally.

It's easy to use violence on the non-violent.  It also reveals what kind of person you really are.  That officer should be off the streets and behind bars, and the Chancellor who ordered that officer to the protest needs to be permanently unemployed and unemployable as a social pariah.

I had numerous contacts with police.  Most were polite.  You know when you got a jackboot cop.  He's the one who is not that talented, and is totally socially inept.  Fortunately 80% of the cops in Portland are NOT that guy.  That small slice of cop world unfortunately is a bigger threat than the criminals that police are supposed to protect us from.  When citizens feel safer near a meth dealer than they do near a police officer, our society is in DIRE trouble.