Politics really brings out the cynical side of me. I found that in political "debate" there is no "debate" as most people create their whole world view in a religious fashion without any questioning, or doubt. If you are a Republican, Obama is the Anti-Christ, and even the most egregiously false hit piece is given the benefit of the doubt. If you are a Democrat, Mitt Romney is a flip-flopping Casper Milquetoast who serves as the corporations prison bitch, when he isn't kowtowing to Mormon overlords out to create a new theocracy, complete with burning stakes, and torture rooms.
Truth of each of these men are that they are both thoughtful, well-intentioned men each trying to address problems as they see them, and are both fully qualified for the job. Which one will I vote for? I'm an Oregonian, by the time the election coverage starts talking about my state, the race will be over. And it won't even matter.
I see Obama as the most qualified Republican President we have had in the White House since Richard Nixon. In 1 term, he took down Saddam, Bin Ladin, and Qaddafi, a trifecta that Reagan and BOTH Bushes failed to get done. The man has more balls than the last 4 presidents put together. Respect for US power is higher NOW than when GWB left office. I call that a success on foreign policy.
On the economy, Obama should have invoked the Patriot act on the Congressmen who wanted the US to default, which would have hurt not only the middle class, but it would have made it harder to do diplomacy, and ultimately it would cut our military where it matters, and the ability to stay supplied. Those treasonous members of congress should have made a one way trip to Gitmo, to never be seen again, with the clear message of do it right, or you are next to the rest of the Congress. Then Boehner would have had something to cry about, and the economy would not still be in the shitter. Waterboard the committee members to see it the right way. Then Congress would learn it's role, and STFU and get the work done.
It will take waterboarding the whole lot of them to convince them that making the US go down in flames is NOT patriotic, and maybe we might see some JUSTICE.
Yes we need to treat the members of Congress as the enemy, because they are.
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