Sunday, July 7, 2024

Taking away

 Prince Ethan invited Lieutenant Tanaka for a drink on the top deck of his ship, the Radiant Dawn. The evening sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, and the gentle hum of the ship’s engines provided a soothing backdrop. Ethan handed Tanaka a crystal glass filled with a sparkling, amber liquid. She took a sip, unaware that the drink was spiked with a potent knockout drug.

As the drug took effect, Tanaka’s vision blurred, and she felt her strength ebb away. Ethan caught her as she collapsed, gently removing her commlink and GPS device. He placed them on the dock, ensuring they would be found later, and carried her onto his ship. The Radiant Dawn slipped away from the dock with little notice from the guards, its departure masked by the bustling activity of the port.

Captain Cullen glanced at the clock on the bridge of the USS Tecumseh. “Tanaka is never late to her duty post,” he muttered, a frown creasing his brow. “AI, locate Lieutenant Tanaka.”

The ship’s AI responded in its calm, mechanical voice, “Her commlink and GPS are on the dock, but there is no biosignal connected to the GPS.”

Cullen’s frown deepened. “Sound general quarters. Security, retrieve Tanaka’s commlink and search the area. She may be unable to communicate.”

The ship’s alarm blared, and the crew sprang into action. Security teams fanned out across the dock, searching for any sign of Tanaka. Cullen stared out at the horizon, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew Tanaka was resourceful and resilient, but something about this situation felt off. He couldn’t shake the feeling that they were running out of time.

Captain Cullen stood on the bridge of the USS Tecumseh, his mind racing. He knew time was of the essence. “AI, initiate a full scan of the area for any unusual activity or unauthorized departures within the last hour,” he ordered.

“Scanning now,” the AI responded. Moments later, it reported, “One vessel, the Radiant Dawn, departed the dock approximately 45 minutes ago. Departure was logged as routine, but there was minimal guard presence.”

Cullen’s eyes narrowed. “Get me everything we have on the Radiant Dawn and its owner, Prince Ethan.”

As the AI compiled the data, Cullen turned to his first officer, Commander Reyes. “Reyes, assemble a team. I want a thorough search of the dock and surrounding areas. Look for any clues that might indicate where Tanaka was taken.”

Reyes nodded and quickly mobilized a search team. Meanwhile, the AI provided a detailed dossier on Prince Ethan and the Radiant Dawn. Cullen scanned the information, noting Ethan’s political connections and the ship’s advanced stealth capabilities.

“AI, can we track the Radiant Dawn’s trajectory?” Cullen asked.

“Based on its last known coordinates and typical flight patterns, I can project a probable course,” the AI replied, displaying a map with a highlighted route.

Cullen studied the map. “Set a course to intercept. And prepare a message to be sent to Prince Ethan. I want to know why he took Tanaka and what he plans to do with her.”

As the USS Tecumseh altered its course, Cullen felt a mix of determination and unease. He knew they were heading into a potentially dangerous confrontation, but he was resolved to bring Tanaka back safely. The stakes were high, and the clock was ticking.


Tanaka’s eyes fluttered open, her head pounding and her vision still slightly blurred. She tried to move, but her limbs felt heavy and uncoordinated. As her senses gradually returned, she realized she was in an unfamiliar room, the soft hum of the ship’s engines a constant background noise.

“Where am I?” she muttered, struggling to sit up. Her mind raced as she pieced together the last thing she remembered: the drink with Prince Ethan, the sudden wave of dizziness, and then darkness.

Her training kicked in, and she quickly assessed her situation. The absence of her commlink and GPS device confirmed her worst fears: she was cut off from her team. Anger flared within her as she realized she had been drugged and abducted.

Tanaka took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay calm. She needed to gather information and find a way to escape. She scanned the room, noting the security cameras in the corners and the locked door. She knew she had to be cautious and strategic.

“Think, Tanaka,” she whispered to herself. “There has to be a way out of here.”

She began to search the room for anything that could be used as a tool or weapon. Her mind raced with possibilities, and she vowed to make Prince Ethan pay for this betrayal. She knew Captain Cullen and the crew of the USS Tecumseh would be looking for her, but she couldn’t rely solely on them. She had to find a way to signal them or escape on her own.

As she continued her search, a steely determination settled over her. She would not be a helpless victim. She would fight back and find a way to turn the tables on her captors.

A speaker in the room crackled to life. “Sorry, Elizabeth Tanaka. We have an appointment with my father. He wanted you to come visit. I promise you will not be harmed.”

Her rage started to bubble up within her, but she forced it down, knowing that anger would cloud her judgment. She needed to stay sharp and focused. Tanaka continued to search the room, her eyes darting to every corner, every shadow. She found a small, loose panel near the floor and pried it open, revealing a bundle of wires. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

She carefully examined the wires, trying to determine their purpose. If she could disable the cameras or the lock on the door, it would give her a better chance of escaping. Her fingers worked quickly and efficiently, her training guiding her every move.

The speaker crackled to life again. “Elizabeth, please, there’s no need for this. My father simply wants to talk.”

Ignoring the voice, Tanaka focused on the task at hand. She managed to short-circuit the camera system, plunging the room into darkness. It was a small victory, but it gave her a sense of control. 

Tanaka’s heart pounded as the door swung open, revealing two guards with tasers aimed directly at her. She had anticipated this moment, and her mind raced through the possible scenarios. She couldn’t afford to be reckless; she needed to outsmart them.

“Elizabeth, please,” the voice from the speaker pleaded again, “there’s no need for violence. My father just wants to talk.”

Ignoring the voice, Tanaka assessed her options. The darkness gave her a slight advantage, but the tasers were a serious threat. She needed to create a distraction. Her eyes flicked to the bundle of wires she had exposed earlier. An idea formed in her mind.

With a swift motion, she yanked a handful of wires free, causing a shower of sparks. The sudden burst of light and noise startled the guards, and in that split second, Tanaka sprang into action. She lunged at the nearest guard, using the element of surprise to her advantage. Her training took over as she disarmed him with a quick, precise movement, sending the taser skidding across the floor.

The second guard recovered quickly, but Tanaka was already moving. She grabbed the first guard’s arm and swung him around, using him as a shield. The second guard hesitated, not wanting to risk hitting his comrade. Tanaka took advantage of the momentary pause to close the distance between them. She delivered a swift, incapacitating blow to the second guard, who crumpled to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Tanaka took a moment to assess the situation. Both guards were down, but she knew she didn’t have much time before reinforcements arrived. She quickly searched the guards for anything useful, finding a keycard and a small knife. She pocketed both and moved towards the door.

As she stepped into the hallway, she heard the voice from the speaker again, this time more urgent. “Elizabeth, stop! You don’t understand what’s at stake here!”

Tanaka ignored the voice and focused on her surroundings. The hallway was dimly lit, with doors lining both sides. She needed to find a way out, but she also needed to gather information. She decided to head towards the end of the hallway, hoping to find a control room or an exit.

Her mind raced with thoughts of Prince Ethan and his father. What could they possibly want with her? And why had they gone to such lengths to abduct her? She pushed the questions aside for now, focusing on the immediate task of escaping.

As she reached the end of the hallway, she found a door marked “Control Room.” She swiped the keycard and the door clicked open. Inside, she found a bank of monitors and a control panel. This was her chance to gather information and possibly find a way to signal the USS Tecumseh.

Tanaka quickly scanned the monitors, looking for any clues about her location. She saw images of various rooms, including what appeared to be a large conference room where several people were gathered. She recognized Prince Ethan among them, deep in conversation with an older man who must be his father.

She turned her attention to the control panel, searching for a way to send a distress signal. Her fingers flew over the controls, her training guiding her every move. She managed to access the communication system and sent a coded message to the USS Tecumseh, hoping it would reach them in time.

Just as she finished, the door behind her burst open and more guards flooded into the room. Tanaka braced herself for the fight, her determination unwavering. She would not go down without a fight. She would find a way to escape and make Prince Ethan pay for his betrayal.

Tanaka braced herself as the guards flooded into the control room. She fought fiercely, her training and instincts guiding her every move. But the sheer number of guards overwhelmed her. Despite her best efforts, she was eventually subdued, the guards pinning her to the ground and securing her hands behind her back.

“Elizabeth Tanaka,” the voice from the speaker said, now coming from the doorway. Prince Ethan stepped into the room, his expression a mix of regret and determination. “I told you, there’s no need for this.”

Tanaka glared at him, her eyes burning with defiance. “What do you want, Ethan? Why have you done this?”

Ethan sighed, motioning for the guards to lift her to her feet. “It’s not what you think. My father needs to speak with you. It’s about something much bigger than you or me.”

“Save your excuses,” Tanaka spat. “You betrayed me. You drugged and abducted me. Why should I believe anything you say?”

Ethan’s face hardened. “Because it’s the truth. My father has information that could change everything. But he needed to ensure you would listen.”

Tanaka struggled against the guards’ grip, but they held her firmly. “And you thought kidnapping me was the best way to get my attention?”

“It was the only way,” Ethan replied, his voice tinged with frustration. “You wouldn’t have come willingly. Please, just hear him out.”

Tanaka’s mind raced. She didn’t trust Ethan, but she needed to understand what was going on. “Fine,” she said through gritted teeth. “I’ll listen. But if this is some kind of trick, you’ll regret it.”

Ethan nodded, signaling the guards to release her. “Follow me.”

They led her down a series of corridors until they reached a large, ornate door. Ethan opened it, revealing a grand conference room. At the head of the table sat an older man with a commanding presence—Ethan’s father.

“Elizabeth Tanaka,” the older man said, rising to his feet. “Thank you for agreeing to speak with us. My name is Lord Alistair. We have much to discuss.”

Tanaka crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. “You have five minutes. Start talking.”

Lord Alistair gestured for her to sit, but she remained standing. “Very well,” he said. “We have reason to believe that a catastrophic event is imminent. An event that could threaten the entire world. We need your help to prevent it.”

Tanaka’s skepticism was evident. “And why should I believe you?”

“Because,” Lord Alistair replied, “the Sky People have opened a time rift in the Atlantic Ocean. This rift has pulled the USS Tecumseh into their future. It appears to be an accident, but it’s due to the negligence of the Sky People, who don’t care about the environmental problems they’ve created.”

Tanaka’s eyes widened. “A time rift? That’s impossible.”

“It’s very real,” Ethan interjected. “And the consequences are dire. The rift is destabilizing, and if it collapses, it could cause a chain reaction that would devastate the entire planet.”

“We need your help to close the rift and bring the USS Tecumseh back to your time,” Lord Alistair continued. “You have the skills and knowledge to make this happen. But we must act quickly.”

Tanaka felt a chill run down her spine. The stakes were higher than she had imagined. She had to find a way to trust Ethan and his father, at least for now. “Alright,” she said slowly. “I’ll help you. But if I find out this is a trick, there will be consequences.”

Lord Alistair nodded. “Understood. Time is of the essence. Let’s get to work.  I sent a message to the Imperium to meet us at the Great Obelisk.  Imperatrix Auriella will assume it's a prisoner exchange, but this time we will ask her and your captain to enter the Obelisk itself, because the key to fixing this is in the basement of the Great Obelisk."

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