Sunday, July 7, 2024

Who are the Sky People

 Smythe began cross-referencing the PDFs from the Murican flash drive with the extensive files stored in his cybernetic memory, accumulated during his time in the Central Administration’s “protective custody.” The result was a 97% match. He proceeded to print the report, preparing copies for the Imperatrix, Captain Cullen, and one for archival safekeeping.

As he reviewed the schematics, Smythe saw how the modules, when linked together in orbit, would form a ring of habitations. The initial price of a home on the ring was beyond the reach of anyone who worked for a living. The orbital ring’s residents included investors, celebrities, and robots catering to their every need and desire. Each ring mansion came with a time vehicle, allowing its owner to explore past eras for entertainment or to invest money in secure accounts and manipulate events to maximize profit.

The files Smythe was reading revealed a darker side to the Sky People’s activities. They frequently interfered with historical events, exploiting wars, famines, and economic crises to amass even greater wealth. Their actions often exacerbated the suffering of ordinary people, turning historical tragedies into opportunities for profit. The consortium of corporations funding the project also paid various governments to stay out of the orbital ring’s affairs. They couldn’t allow trivial matters like world wars to disturb the residents. Earthbound people began referring to those living in the ring as the Sky People, a name that carried a mix of awe and resentment.

Smythe’s eyes widened as he delved deeper into the files. One document detailed the Sky People’s interference in the Great Depression of the 1930s. Using their time vehicles, they had traveled back to the early 1920s, subtly influencing key financial decisions and market trends. They orchestrated the stock market crash of 1929, ensuring that their investments were secure while the global economy crumbled.

As the world plunged into economic despair, the Sky People capitalized on the chaos. They bought up distressed assets, manipulated currency values, and funded political movements that would further destabilize nations. Their actions prolonged the suffering of millions, turning the Great Depression into a prolonged period of exploitation and profit for the Sky People.

The files revealed that the consortium of corporations behind the orbital ring had paid off governments to ignore these manipulations. The suffering of ordinary people was a small price to pay for the immense wealth and power the Sky People amassed. Smythe felt a chill run down his spine as he realized the extent of their influence and the depths of their greed.

They frequently interfered with historical events, exploiting wars, famines, and economic crises to amass even greater wealth. Their actions often exacerbated the suffering of ordinary people, turning historical tragedies into opportunities for profit.

One particularly chilling document detailed their involvement in the assassination of Julius Caesar. Caesar had been planning extensive economic reforms that would have significantly benefited the common people of Rome. The Sky People, fearing these reforms would disrupt their future financial schemes, traveled back to 44 B.C. They subtly influenced key senators, ensuring the conspiracy against Caesar would succeed. His assassination plunged Rome into chaos, allowing the Sky People to manipulate the ensuing power struggles to their advantage.

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