Sunday, July 7, 2024

The chase

Captain Cullen’s eyes were fixed on the tactical display, where red dots representing the Murican ships were steadily moving away from the blue dot of the Tecumseh.

“They can’t outfight us, but they can easily outrun us,” Cullen muttered, frustration evident in his voice. “AI, what’s the current certainty of the Murican ship’s destination?”

“Certainty is degrading as time passes,” the AI responded in its calm, measured tone. “Currently at 85%.”

Suddenly, an incoming transmission alert flashed on the screen. It was encrypted with Lieutenant Tanaka’s personal cipher. A yellow dot appeared on the map, marking the transmission’s origin. The message was brief and ended abruptly, causing the yellow dot to vanish.

Cullen’s jaw tightened. “Set a course for the transmission’s origin. We need to rescue Tanaka from the Murican’s unwanted hospitality.”

The Tecumseh’s engines roared to life, the ship vibrating with the sudden surge of power as it changed course towards the origin of the transmission. Captain Cullen’s mind raced with possibilities. What had happened to Lieutenant Tanaka? Why had the transmission ended so abruptly?

“AI, prepare a tactical analysis of the area around the transmission’s origin,” Cullen ordered, his voice steady despite the turmoil within.

“Analyzing,” the AI responded. “Preliminary scans indicate a high probability of Murican patrols in the vicinity. Recommend caution.”

Cullen nodded. “Understood. All hands, prepare for potential engagement. We don’t know what we’re flying into.”

The crew moved with practiced efficiency, the tension palpable as they readied the ship for whatever lay ahead. Another transmission came in, breaking the silence.

“Hello Captain, we met before and for you to retrieve Lieutenant Tanaka, you will need to meet us again at the same place. I can assure you my cousin the Prince has done no harm to her. And you won’t need to trade anything to pick her up. See you at the Great Obelisk.”

Captain Cullen remembered the face of Duke Aiden, and the tense prisoner swap at the Great Obelisk just days ago. The memory of the towering structure, ancient and imposing, flashed in his mind. He knew this was a trap, but he had no choice. Tanaka’s life was at stake.

“AI, plot a course to the Great Obelisk,” Cullen commanded, his resolve hardening. “And prepare a contingency plan. We’re walking into the lion’s den.”

The Tecumseh surged forward, its path set. Captain Cullen stood tall, ready to face whatever dangers awaited them at the Great Obelisk.

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