Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Prisoner exchange

 Prince Ethan Mercer knew he would survive to be ransomed.  The battle to take the ship in the Imperium dock was brutal.  The three soldiers that got through the Imperial perimeter did not survive long.  They were surprised by the crew of the ship still on board armed with primitive weapons, firearms.  Another surprise was the crew of the ship seen were male.  They are obviously not Imperial soldiers as the Imperium are female only.  They also aren't Imperial prisoners, as they were allowed to keep their weapons on the ship.

Remembering those details, he started thinking of how to perhaps use persuasion rather than force to secure the ship.  That will have to happen later.

Imperial guards entered the room along with strangers the Murican prince never saw before. 

There were several men in the party, and they had names on their uniforms written in Ancient Murican.  The man in the party with most appearance of authority had the name Cullen.  The female had on her uniform Tanaka.  The cyborg was named Smythe.  The cyborg was seen nearly 5 generations ago.  The Imperial government calls him the Oracle.  

"What sorcery is this?" asked the prince.

"These are the crew of the ship, our guests.  You underestimated us again Prince Mercer," answered the highest ranking guard. "we will be escorting you and your personal retinue to the traditional exchange point.  Your cousin Duke Aiden will be waiting for you."

Ethan’s heart sank at the mention of Duke Aiden. His cousin was not just a skilled diplomat and strategist; he harbored ambitions for the Murican throne. Aiden’s desire for power was well-known within the royal circles, and Ethan knew that his cousin would seize any opportunity to advance his claim. The ransom exchange could be more than just a simple negotiation—it could be a pivotal moment in Aiden’s quest for the throne.

As the guards led him away, Ethan’s mind raced. He needed to be cautious and clever, not just to secure his freedom, but to navigate the treacherous waters of Murican politics and his cousin’s ambitions.

Smythe and Cullen discussed the incidents of the night before.

"The exchange point is by the great obelisk, south of here. You remember it as the Washington Monument, but names and landmarks get remembered differently over the centuries." 

"Are the roads there safe? I don't need members of the away team getting attacked."

""Considering the Imperatrix herself is coming along, I seriously doubt we will have any bandits along the way.  She enjoys these exchanges, as a way to maintain a psychological advantage over the Muricans.  She personally defeated the Murican forces in a few battles, the most brutal one was the siege of Richmond. The sacking of Richmond resulted in the only thing left of Richmond being a pillar with a sign on it, overlooking the mass grave."  

"So this Murican prince has fought the Imperatrix before.  Are there laws of war we don't know about?"

Smythe’s expression turned grim. “The Imperatrix plays by her own rules. The Muricans learned that the hard way. But remember, Cullen, this isn’t just about war. It’s about power, control, and the future of our empire.”

Cullen nodded slowly, absorbing the weight of Smythe’s words. “Then we must be prepared for anything.”


The prisoner parade procession began its march on the fractured highway from the Imperial Base, once known in ancient times as Newark, to the Great Obelisk in the forsaken city formerly called Washington. The scouting cavalry led the way, their banners fluttering in the wind, followed by the disciplined ranks of the Vanguard Infantry. Behind them, the Main Force advanced, with Imperatrix Auriella observing from the parapet of her imposing armored vehicle.

Trailing behind were the prisoners to be exchanged, including Prince Ethan Mercer and his personal retinue. They were permitted to wear their armor, though their weapons were securely locked inside a wagon that followed closely. Tension simmered among the prisoners, their eyes darting to the surrounding terrain, searching for any opportunity to escape.

The away team, consisting of Elizabeth Tanaka, Carl Cullen, and Calvin Smythe, walked behind the wagon alongside the baggage carriers, with the rear guard bringing up the end of the procession. Each day’s march concluded with the Vanguard constructing the resting camp, only for the rear guard engineers to dismantle it the following morning. Whispers of dissent and plans of rebellion circulated among the ranks, adding an undercurrent of unease.

As they traversed the ancient highway, they passed signage pointing to cities long since destroyed and rebuilt. Despite their dilapidated state, these ancient interstate highways still served their purpose, bearing the scars of ages past, including the two world wars fought on this very soil. The haunting remnants of battles fought and lost seemed to echo through the cracked asphalt, a grim reminder of the cost of conflict.

After eight arduous days, punctuated by rest stops for eating and sleeping, the Great Obelisk finally came into view. The sight of the towering monument brought a mix of dread and anticipation.

A slight smile played on the lips of Imperatrix Auriella as she gazed upon the towering monument. She remembered the past times she had personally delivered Prince Mercer to the Obelisk, each encounter a testament to her dominance and his repeated failures. Unbeknownst to her, Prince Ethan Mercer had managed to communicate with his allies, setting the stage for a daring escape attempt. The tension was palpable, and the fate of many hung in the balance as they approached their destination.


Duke Aiden strode into the grand meeting hall, his presence commanding the attention of his Ducal guards and his uncle, the King, who awaited him with a stern expression.

“Your Majesty,” Aiden began, his voice steady but laced with underlying tension, “the Crown Prince failed his mission to capture the ship the Sky People informed us about. Three of his guards returned in funeral boxes. Their wounds were not consistent with the weaponry we know the Imperium uses.”

With a grim expression, the Duke tossed a handful of mashed bullets onto the polished table. The metallic clinks echoed through the hall.

The King picked up one of the bullets, examining it closely. “These are ancient-style bullets,” he murmured, his brow furrowing. “I haven’t seen these used since the Fourth World War, when Murica and the Imperium fought side by side. Has my son fallen victim to this atrocity?”

Aiden’s lips twitched, almost forming a smile at the thought. “No, Uncle. Ethan survived. He is being taken to the Great Obelisk to be exchanged for the noblewomen we captured over the past year. The Imperatrix is certain to relish his humiliation. It might be the only reason she spares his life. Humiliation is more satisfying to her than mere execution. I despise that woman.”

As he spoke, Aiden’s mind wandered to the complex web of emotions he harbored. The thought of Ethan’s failure brought a twisted sense of satisfaction. For years, he had lived in the shadow of his cousin, the Crown Prince, always second in line, always overlooked. The possibility of Ethan’s downfall stirred a dark hope within him—a chance to step out of the shadows and claim the power he believed was rightfully his.

Their rivalry had been a constant presence in Aiden’s life. Ethan, with his charm and natural leadership, had always been the favored one, the golden child destined for greatness. Aiden, on the other hand, had to fight for every scrap of recognition, his achievements often overshadowed by Ethan’s effortless successes. The resentment had festered over the years, turning into a silent, burning rivalry.

Yet, beneath his ambition lay a layer of guilt. He knew the dangers Ethan faced, the pain and fear that came with being a pawn in their political games. Aiden’s hatred for the Imperatrix was fueled not just by her cruelty, but by the way she manipulated and destroyed lives for her own gain. He loathed her for the suffering she inflicted, and for the way she forced him to confront his own darker impulses.

The King’s eyes darkened with a mix of relief and anger. “We must tread carefully, Aiden. The Imperatrix’s thirst for power and vengeance knows no bounds. We cannot afford to underestimate her.”

Aiden nodded, his mind already racing with strategies. “Indeed, Uncle. We must prepare for every eventuality. The Sky People’s involvement complicates matters further. We need to uncover their true intentions.”

As the meeting continued, Aiden’s thoughts remained divided. He was determined to protect his family and his realm, but he could not ignore the personal stakes. The shadows of the past and the uncertainties of the future loomed large over the hall, setting the stage for a conflict that would test the limits of loyalty, power, and survival.

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