Saturday, July 6, 2024

We are you

The alarms on the dock blared, echoing across the water. An enemy ship had been sighted. The Imperatrix turned to Captain Cullen, her eyes narrowing. “It seems the Muricans are being foolish again. I must oversee the defense. Thank you for the tour of this magnificent vessel.”

With a regal nod, the Imperatrix departed the ship, striding purposefully towards the dock where her guards were positioning rail guns in preparation for an amphibious assault.

Before any shots could be fired, the Murican battle standard was lowered, replaced by the white flag of parley. The brooch on her cloak glowed faintly, signaling an incoming transmission.

“We come in peace, Auriella. No weapons, just a few gifts for your guests. We request permission to dock. We won’t need your quarters; we intend only to visit the boat at the dock. You have already bested us on the battlefield,” said Prince Ethan.

Imperatrix Auriella felt a surge of suspicion and annoyance. “I doubt abominations like yourselves have anything of value to offer. But go ahead, embarrass yourselves by speaking with Cullen, Smythe, or Tanaka. I look forward to seeing how poorly you fare.”

A beep sounded on the communication console.

“Trouble already?” asked Cullen.

“The source of the communication is the other ship that just docked,” answered Tanaka.

“Put it on screen.”

The face of Prince Ethan appeared on the monitor.

“My apologies for the atrocious first impressions we made. We come in peace, unarmed. We have discovered a few relics that rightfully belong to you, rather than our museums in Memphis and Birmingham. We request a meeting in your ready room.”

Cullen glanced at Tanaka, then at Smythe. After a moment of contemplation, Cullen responded, “Granted. See you in an hour.”

“Thank you for your graciousness, Captain.”

As the hour passed, the tension on the ship was palpable. Captain Cullen, Commander Smythe, and Lieutenant Tanaka gathered in the ready room, preparing for the meeting. The room was adorned with maps, tactical displays, and a large table at its center.

The door slid open, and Prince Ethan entered, flanked by two aides carrying ornate boxes. He bowed slightly, a gesture of respect. “Thank you for seeing us, Captain.”

Cullen nodded curtly. “Let’s get to the point. What are these gifts you mentioned?”

Prince Ethan gestured to his aides, who carefully placed the boxes on the table and opened them. Inside were a copy of the United States Constitution, a triangle-folded United States flag, and a 64-terabyte flash drive. “These items are symbols of our history and heritage. We believe they hold significance for you and your crew.”

Tanaka leaned in, examining the items closely. “These are indeed remarkable. How did you come by them?”

Ethan sighed. “Our ancestors preserved these artifacts, believing they held power and meaning. We now realize they are part of a shared legacy. Returning them is a gesture of goodwill, a step towards peace.”

Smythe raised an eyebrow. “And what do you expect in return?”

“Only a chance to prove our sincerity,” Ethan replied. “We seek to end the hostilities between our nations. These gifts are a symbol of our commitment to a new beginning.”

Imperatrix Auriella, who had been listening from a concealed alcove, stepped forward. “Your words are bold, Prince Ethan. But actions speak louder. We will accept these gifts and consider your proposal. However, any sign of deceit will be met with swift retribution.”

Ethan met her gaze steadily. “Understood, Imperatrix. We have no intention of deceiving you. We only wish for a future where our peoples can coexist in peace.”

Auriella nodded, then turned to Captain Cullen. “My apologies, Captain, for the interruption. This meeting is on your ship, and I should have deferred to your authority. Thank you for your patience.”

Cullen inclined his head. “No need for apologies, Imperatrix. We all want the same thing—peace.”

As Ethan and his aides departed, Cullen turned to Auriella. “Do you believe him?”

Auriella’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t trust easily, Captain. But if there’s a chance to end this conflict, we must explore it. Prepare the council. We have much to discuss.”

As Prince Ethan and his aides departed, Commander Smythe took the 64-terabyte flash drive and inserted it into the ship’s secure data port. The screen flickered to life, displaying a directory filled with PDF files, each meticulously labeled with dates and events spanning 2000 years of history from the Murican perspective.

Smythe began to scroll through the files, opening a few at random. The first document contained detailed text, pictures, and videos of early Murican settlements, their rise to power, and significant historical events. The images were vivid, showing ancient battles, cultural ceremonies, and pivotal moments in their history.

“Captain, you need to see this,” Smythe called out, his voice tinged with awe.

Cullen and Tanaka joined him, peering over his shoulder at the screen. Smythe opened another file, revealing a comprehensive account of the Great War, including strategies, key battles, and the eventual truce. The videos showed both the horrors of war and moments of unexpected camaraderie between opposing forces.

“This is incredible,” Tanaka murmured. “It’s like a window into their soul. They’ve documented everything, even their mistakes and regrets.”

Smythe nodded. “It’s a treasure trove of information. If this is genuine, it could change everything we know about them.”

Imperatrix Auriella, who had been observing quietly, stepped forward. “Commander Smythe, continue your examination. Verify the authenticity of these documents. If they are genuine, we may have a foundation for peace.”

Smythe saluted. “Yes, Imperatrix. I’ll conduct a thorough analysis and report back.”

As Smythe delved deeper into the contents of the flash drive, the room buzzed with a mix of curiosity and cautious optimism. The detailed history, presented with such transparency, hinted at a possible new chapter in their relations with the Muricans.

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