Monday, July 8, 2024

The threat from the Sky

 The Murican King, the Imperatrix, and the Captain read Smythe’s synopsis. The threat from the Sky People didn’t stem from a unified conspiracy but from hundreds of individuals pursuing their own agendas, all aimed at hoarding resources. Some had assisted the Axis, others the Allies during the Second World War. Some supported the Confederacy, while others backed the Union during the first American Civil War.

Their only unified goal was constructing the orbital ring to live on, separating themselves from earthbound people and avoiding the natural consequences of environmental destruction.

King Alistair and Imperatrix Auriella recalled how the Sky People would supply information and materials to both sides in nearly every conflict.

“It seems these Sky People enjoy instigating wars between us so they can sell their merchandise to both sides,” said Auriella. “We fought together during the Fourth World War because we were invaded by Russia. But once Russia was neutralized, war erupted between the Imperium and Murica, with the Sky People delivering weapons to both sides.”

“We should have seen this sooner, but manipulation and perhaps our own folly blinded us. Most of the materials we need for the timecraft are either extraterrestrial or located in war-torn areas. We need to decide where to send people to retrieve what we need, and I assume some of the Sky People will actively oppose us,” said King Alistair.

“One thing we can do for now is sign an actual peace treaty between the Imperium and Murica,” said Auriella.

Captain Cullen nodded in agreement.

Later that evening, as the sun set behind the Great Obelisk, Captain Cullen went in search of King Alistair to discuss their next steps. He found the King lying motionless on the ground, a dagger protruding from his chest. The assassin had struck swiftly and silently, leaving no trace of their identity.

Cullen knelt beside the fallen King, his heart heavy with grief and anger. He knew this was the work of the Sky People, a final attempt to destabilize their fragile alliance. With a determined look, he vowed to bring the assassin to justice and ensure that King Alistair’s vision for peace would not die with him.Captain Cullen hurried to the royal chambers, where Prince Ethan was reviewing strategic plans. The young prince looked up, sensing the urgency in Cullen’s approach.

“Captain, what is it?” Ethan asked, concern etched on his face.

“Your Highness,” Cullen began, his voice trembling slightly, “I have grave news. Your father, King Alistair, has been assassinated. I found him near the Great Obelisk.”

Ethan’s face paled, and he staggered back, gripping the edge of the table for support. “No… this can’t be,” he whispered, his eyes filling with tears.

“I am deeply sorry, Your Highness,” Cullen said, placing a comforting hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “We believe this was the work of the Sky People. They seek to disrupt our unity and plunge us into chaos. But we must stay strong and honor your father’s legacy.”

Ethan took a deep breath, his expression hardening with resolve. “We will find those responsible and bring them to justice. And we will continue my father’s mission for peace.”

Captain Cullen nodded, his respect for the young prince growing. Together, they would face the challenges ahead and strive to fulfill King Alistair’s vision.

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